
design : F. Rota

Two- and three-seater sofa.
The Vespucci series also includes an armchair.

Structure: stainless steel AISI 304 varnished in avorio colour.
Uprights, front profile of the seat and feet: natural sassafras wood, plastic spacers.
Removable structural cover: Rope M or Aquatech fabric.

Seat cushion: independent and with removable cover, in polyester fiber with insert in stress resistant expanded polyurethane and fixed foam covering in waterproofed polyester.
Back cushion: independent and with removable cover, in polyester fiber with insert in stress resistant expanded polyurethane and fixed foam covering in waterproofed polyester.
Armrest cushion: independent and with removable cover, in polyester fiber with insert in stress resistant expanded polyurethane and fixed foam covering in waterproofed polyester.
Upholstery cover for all the cushions: removable and available in Luz, Rope T, Brio, Thea or Wara fabric.

Sassafras wood is treated with water-based products that limit the absorption of liquids and greasy substances, but do not protect the wood against mould, fungus and parasites.

The change in colour and the possible appearance of superficial splits are the typical effect of the natural evolution of the wood over time.

The product can be used also in interior environments.

We advise to use a Winter Set protection cover.